Beautiful Early Morning Beach Sunrise Scenery

The beautiful scenery in Florida of an early morning beach sunrise fills the sky with warmth and highlights seagulls in flight.


Seeing a beautiful sunrise on the beach in Florida is especially nice since it’s a place where mornings and the air are the perfect temperature for a walk down the beach.

A beautiful sunrise can fill the soul and recharge the spirit with the promise of a new day.

Small birds pecking in the soft sand and seagulls in flight fill the scene with life and wonder.

Free Picture: Photo of beautiful early morning beach sunrise scenery in Florida with seagulls in flight.

Photo of beautiful early morning beach sunrise scenery in Florida with seagulls in flight.

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If you’re vacationing in the Daytona Beach area, make sure to wake up early and head out to the beach with a blanket to sit on the cool sand.

Watch the sun make its journey over the horizon and then head out for a good breakfast!

I don’t think anything can feel much better than that.

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4 Responses to Beautiful Early Morning Beach Sunrise Scenery

  1. On April 9, 2014 at 2:37 pm Brian Foti said:

    Beautiful picture! I’m a VERY amateur photographer and am only beginning to scratch the surface of what my D3100 can do. We are heading to Myrtle Beach this weekend and I would love to take some sunrise over the beach pictures. Any recommendations on settings?

    • Awesome camera selection! I still love my old D90 that I took this picture with. Eventually I’ll upgrade but it’s still working just fine. For sunrise pictures, I usually set my camera on a tripod and use the program function with the shutter part of the wheel and make sure not to use a flash. I just keep trying different shutter speeds depending on how dark it is outside, use the lowest ISO setting that you have since you’re using a tripod (this was ISO 200), and let the camera do the rest. In between shots I’ll look at the screen to see if I’m getting the right effect I’m going for.

      If it’s a really clear morning on the horizon, the pictures are usually a little boring, and sometimes if it’s too cloudy, you miss the sunrise completely so somewhere in between I think is when you might get lucky. The main thing is just to get out there when the sun rises and pick some good spots to frame the picture. If there’s birds flying around I might also try to use the rapid fire to see if I can catch one in the photo like this one. Good luck and don’t forget Florida sunsets are great also!

  2. On December 30, 2014 at 5:26 pm Suzana Koscianski said:

    I sent this photo along with the message below to a mourning friend:

    No Fear of Death
    “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death” (Revelation 2:11).

    The first death we must endure unless the LORD should suddenly come to His temple. For this let us abide in readiness, awaiting it without fear, since Jesus has transformed death from a dreary cavern into a passage leading to glory.

    The thing to be feared is not the first but the second death, not the parting of the soul from the body but the final separation of the entire man from God. This is death indeed. This death kills all peace, joy, happiness, hope. When God is gone, all is gone. Such a death is far worse than ceasing to be: it is existence without the life which makes existence worth the having.

    Now, if by God’s grace we fight on to the end and conquer in the glorious war, no second death can lay its chill finger upon us, We shall have no fear of death and hell, for we shall receive a crown of life which fadeth not away. How this nerves us for the fight! Eternal life is worth a life’s battle. To escape the hurt of the second death is a thing worth struggling for throughout a lifetime.

    LORD, give us faith so that we may overcome, and then grant us grace to remain unharmed though sin and Satan dog our heels! C.H.Spurgeon

  3. On March 5, 2015 at 9:32 pm Don Bleasdale said:

    Dear Paul,

    Your photos are beautiful! I would like to use your picture of “The beautiful Sunrise and Birds over Florida Beach”for the front cover of a free Gospel Tract titled, “the LOVE of the TRUE LIVING GOD.”Please let me know.

    Don Bleasdale
    In Canada

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