Vegan Pizza at Pizzeria D’Youville Quebec Canada
A vegan pizza for vegetarians and vegans alike at Pizzeria D'Youville in Quebec Canada.
When going to Quebec, Canada I have to say the majority of things I love to eat from the variety wonderful foods is the pizza at pizzerias like Pizzeria D’Youville.
Being vegan, I do not eat dairy including cheese so I just order up a vegan pizza with toppings like sauteed veggies including roasted red, yellow and green bell peppers, broccoli, portobello mushrooms, tomatoes, and whatever else the creative pizza chefs want to throw in.
My favorite parts of Canadian pizzas have to be the crust and the wonderful marinara sauces.

Photo of a cheeseless vegan pizza at Pizzeria D'Youville in Quebec City, Canada.
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Being in Canada, it’s probably sacrilegious to order a cheeseless vegetarian pizza with all of the varieties of cheeses out there like the “squeaky cheese” in poutines, but the pizzas up here easily beat the normal fare in the United States.
Pizza D’Youville is probably more of an upscale pizza place but well worth it if you get a nice window seat that cozies up to one of the main shopping streets of Rue Saint-Jean.
Passerbys will no doubtedly have a glance your way as you take bite after bite of some of Canada’s finest cuisine.
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