Smith Creek Anna Ruby Falls GA
On the easy half mile hike up to see Anna Ruby Falls, the paved trail hugs Smith Creek which is formed by the joining of Curtis and York Creeks that flow over to create Anna Ruby Falls and Smith Creek.
On the paved footpath up to see Anna Ruby Falls near Helen, GA, the trail hugs the swift moving Smith Creek.
Above Anna Ruby Falls is Curtis Creek and York Creek that both join together creating two sides of falls that eventually combine at the bottom and form Smith Creek as seen in the photo.
Fallen trees and smooth rocks hold their ground as the swift water flows over and under everything that’s swept into this part of the creek.

Photo of Smith Creek near Helen, GA which is made from the joining of Curtis Creek and York Creek that also create Anna Ruby Falls and then Smith Creek.
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In this winter season, most of the leaves on the trees are already gone but some bushes still hold through the cold.
Smith Creek eventually ends up flowing into Unicoi Lake and from there out to the Chattahoochee River.
The final destination of the water in this picture will then be south to join with the Apalachicola River in Florida and finally to the Gulf of Mexico ending its 550 mile trip.
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