Dislodged Flume Gorge Boulder Historic Area

The Flume Boulder as it was called at Flume Gorge was a giant egg shaped boulder that was suspended across the gorge and then later swept away by an immense flood.

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The Flume Boulder measured a gigantic 10 feet high by 12 feet long and was suspended above Flume Gorge in NH for centuries.

The history of the boulder is that it was suspended in this area at the point of discovering the gorge in 1808 and then in 1883 a massive storm swept through.

Flume Boulder was washed away never to be seen again and at this point is when Flume Brook became a permanent part of the gorge.

Free Picture: Photo of the area where Flume Boulder was suspended across Flume Gorge back in the 1800's.

Photo of the area where Flume Boulder was suspended across Flume Gorge back in the 1800's.

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The power it must have taken to wash such a giant rock off of the top of the gorge had to be immense.

This just goes to show you can’t underestimate the power of water. It has the force to disentegrate huge canyons and gigantic stones to pebbles.

Since the gorge has walls that rise up from 70 to 90 feet high, this also should be a warning for hikers who might find themselves in a narrow canyon during a storm as floods can come unbelievably quickly.

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