American Falls at Niagara Falls
The American Falls of Niagara Falls lie on the United States side in New York state.
The American Falls are located on the Niagara River and are only a small part of the larger Niagara Falls.
Standing on the U.S. side viewing the falls doesn’t give a great view as you could probably see in this picture since the view is only of the water falling over from the backside of the crest.
If however, you want to be right in the action, I was surprised at just how close to the edge of the water (running up to the crest) you can get.

Photo of the American Falls at Niagara Falls in New York.
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Near the top of the American Falls, there is a platform that many visitors go to experience the edge of Niagara Falls.
A better view of the actual waterfall though is on he Canadian side where you can walk up and down and have a great view of the American side.
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