Maple Taffy Tire D’Erable Quebec Canada

Maple taffy, also known by Canadians as "tire d'erable", is poured onto shaved ice and once cooled is wrapped around sticks to be enjoyed by kids of all ages.


The Northern treat maple taffy is made by pouring boiled down maple syrup onto snow or man made snow and then wrapping it around a popsicle stick to then be licked off.

Canadians well known for their famous maple syrup also call this sweet treat “tire d’erable”.

The process of making maple taffy involves boiling down maple syrup to the point past where it would be maple syrup and before it becomes maple butter or maple sugar.

Free Picture: Photo of maple taffy also called tire d'erable by Canadians poured onto man made snow and then wrapped around popsicle sticks to be enjoyed by kids of all ages.

Photo of maple taffy also called tire d'erable by Canadians poured onto man made snow and then wrapped around popsicle sticks to be enjoyed by kids of all ages.

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Traditionally, the thick syrup is then poured onto snow in the winter time where it hardens slightly, enough to smash a popsicle stick onto it and wrap it around.

The consistency is then of a very thick and slow moving liquid which is why it’s then called taffy.

In Quebec City, this treat can be found along the sidewalk by a couple street vendors or even more widely known to be found at sugar shacks. For a great experience, visit nearby L’Isle D’Orleans (the island of Orleans) and find a sugar shack that will give you a taste of the best that Quebec has to offer!

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3 Responses to Maple Taffy Tire D’Erable Quebec Canada

  1. On March 5, 2013 at 6:43 pm Annie said:

    Oh, this picture is the mapple taffy stand at my job =O

    • Awesome! They have some good maple taffy there on the side of the street. I bet it’s cold there right now though.

      • On March 8, 2013 at 7:04 pm Annie said:

        I’m glad you like our products :). For the temperature, it’s warm these days, around 5°C and more. It is not common for this time of the year though ^^’

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