Flume Gorge New Hampshire
The Flume Gorge in New Hampshire is high on my "things to see" on my list of beautiful State Parks.
New Hampshire has a secret. The beautiful secret I speak of is The Flume Gorge in Franconia State Park.
While taking a small detour on my way to Canada in New Hampshire, I came across this magical place off of the highway.
From first glance, this seems like any other State Park but the real beauty reveals itself with a small fee to see a wonder of nature.

Photo of the Flume Gorge in Franconia State Park in NH.
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A wooden walkway attached to the sides of the gorge makes it way through a natural granite chasm measuring 800 feet long with 90 foot walls.
The sheer algae covered walls close in on you as you make your way through the amazing natural beauty of this place.
It’s hard to describe the feeling of being here. It truly is like being in a fantasy storybook.
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