Sand Beach Beehive View Acadia National Park
When hiking to the top of the Beehive Trail, this is the great view you're rewarded with of Sand Beach in Acadia National Park, Maine.
Far off in the distance, people on Sand Beach in Acadia National Park look like tiny specks from the high top of the vertical Beehive Trail.
The indimidating Beehive Trail rises 520 feet in only 0.8 miles on the eastern side of Mount Desert Island and is an exhilarating climb.
If you can get the nerve to make it up the steep face and the metal rungs attached to the rock ledges then you’ll be rewarded with the beautiful pandorama including Sand Beach.

Photo of the view down to Sand Beach, Acadia National Park, from the top of the Beehive Trail.
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Sand Beach lies nestled in between mountains and picturesque rocks and access to the beach is available via Park Loop Road.
Gritty sand and crushed sea shells make up the whole of Sand Beach and the water temperature rarely gets above a freezing cold 55 degrees even in the summer.
In the far right lies the popular Otter Cliff and on the other side is another cove somewhat like this one called Otter Cove.
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