Tropical Lunar Moon Palm Leaves Florida
The moon is surrounded by tropical palm leaves in Florida just after sunset. The sky is blue and the moon isn’t quite full but close. Night is falling and the moon will shine bright for quite some time.
At dusk the sun has set and the moon is rising beautifully in the Florida sky. It isn’t quite full but close and has a sky of dark blue as its background.
Night is beginning to fall and the moon will shine for some time since it’s only starting its nightly journey. Watching for a moonrise seems to take forever to finally come up over the horizon but when it breaks free it seems to move very fast.
Catching the moon around this time is…

Photo of the moon surrounded by palm leaves in Florida just after sunset with a dark blue sky as a background.
All Photo Galleries » Moon Pictures
…such a treat since the colors give nice soothing pictures.
I can imagine looking up from a forest or an empty beach with moon beams shining down to light the way. Seeing sights like this always conjures up stories of old in my mind of nightly journeys across the land with this lunar rock in the sky showing the path.
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