Black Eyed Susan Daisy Yellow Flowers Quebec
These Black eyed Susans also known as a Daisy or Daisies are beautiful yellow flowers with several names that were shot in Quebec.
The bright Black Eyed Susans which are widely known as yellow daisies were shot up North in Quebec City in Canada.
The daisy has several names and varieties including Rudbeckia hirta, Black eye Susan, Brown eyed Susan, Blackiehead, Brown Betty, Brown Daisy (Rudbeckia triloba), Gloriosa Daisy, Golden Jerusalem, Poorland Daisy, Yellow Daisy, and Yellow Ox-eye Daisy.
Black eyed Susan plants are a wildflower that pollenators like bees just love and are attracted to by its bright color.

Photo of black eyed Susans or yellow Daisies taken in Quebec, Canada.
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The center of the flower can range in color from a dark black to a brown to even a purple color.
It can reach a height of about 3 feet and flowers somewhere in the range of from June to August and is found natively in North America.
Although it can be wild, it’s a very eye catching flower to plant to liven up a beautiful city like Quebec.
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