Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park Sunset
The sunset off of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine highlights the hills in mountains in the distance with a bird soaring just above the tree line.
Every night people drive up the winding 3.5 miles scenic road to see the sunset off of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine.
There are several vantage points on the way up the mountain that give beautiful views, but most people just go straight to the top and find a nice place to relax and watch the sunset.
Every sunset on Cadillac Mountain is different and it’s well worth it that if you’re visiting Acadia National Park to make it a point to see the sunset every night to see the beautiful colors and clouds shine down over the landscape.

Photo of the sunset off of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine highlights the hills in mountains in the distance with a bird soaring just above the tree line.
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Acadia National Park sunsets are some of the best that I’ve seen and give a wide open view of the over 20 mountains on Mount Desert Island.
You can also hike up several of the hiking trails to the top of Cadillac Mountain, but again, most people take the 15-20 or so minutes to get straight to the top.
Before sunset, on clear days, it’s possible to see Mount Katahdin which is Maine’s highest mountain and the United States endpoint to the Appalachian Trail.
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