Reventazon River Florida Section Costa Rica
Smooth river rocks line the bank of the Reventazon River, Florida section in Costa Rica and clouds roll in for a warm midday rain shower.
Along the river banks of the Reventazon River at the Florida section in Costa Rica, smooth rocks line the edge and clouds roll in for a warm rain shower.
Costa Rica hosts some of the best white water rafting and beautiful natural scenery for travellers wanting to get back to nature.
This trip led us to Rios Tropicales where they take groups out to Class III white water rapids in this section of the Reventazon River in Costa Rica.

Photo of the Reventazon River, Florida section in Costa Rica where smooth rocks line the banks and clouds roll in for a warm midday rain shower. This picture was actually taken with a tough, waterproof point and shoot camera.
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Our guide Alonzo was truly what you could hope for in a guide who went out of his way to make sure we had a great time. He yelled out instructions to keep up straight. I was sitting in the right side of the front of the raft and led the right side of the boat in the paddling with Sarah right behind me.
We did our best while getting the workout of a lifetime to keep the boat right-side up. At some calm points of the river, we got the amazing experience of dropping over the edge of the raft and swam alongside in the warm, fresh water while comforting rain showered down upon us.
The Reventazon River runs about 90 miles, flows into the Caribbean sea, and is the source of 25 percent of the fresh drinking water for Costa Rica’s largest metropolitan area centered around San Jose. Supposedly, this section soon may no longer be able to support white water rafting as a power generating dam is projected to be built.
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