Florida Seagull In Flight Overhead
A Florida seagull soars overhead in the blue sky in Daytona Beach.
A seagull in Florida flies overhead most likely looking for its next meal.
These birds flock to the beach because of the easy pickings of small sea life and fish. They also enjoy the handouts that many people bring to the beach just for them, such as wads of bread and bagfulls of popcorn.
Get enough hungry seagulls around you and it’s possible…

Photo of a seagull in Daytona Beach, FL flying overhead in the sky.
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…to have them hover just above your head and pick food right from your hand!
Fair warning though – once you feed one, there will be a huge flock of them within minutes coming from all over.
They seem to be a little more standoff-ish than pigeons as pigeons will come right up to your feet whereas seagulls keep their distance.
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